Saturday, October 30, 2004

Who is Lying to Who???

I am going to attempt to point out a few errors, misconceptions, gray areas, black holes and whatever may come to mind concerning the coming election. Hopefully, I can at least bring some things to a thoughtful phase of existence.

I would ask the reader to read everything carefully before trying to locate me with a short rope for a long drop. Read any part under debate several times. What I hope to gain here is if not answers, then questions which hopefully will help just a single person to make an informed decision, instead of an emotional one.

The Draft:
I have a question here. Wasn’t it John Kerry that said early in the campaigning, that he would increase the size of the Army by 40,000 people if elected? And when asked how he would do that, he replied “by using the draft”.

OK..I lied…I have several questions concerning this subject. Who is the “Unnamed Pentagon Source” that has had Rumsfield on tv denying any thought of kick starting the draft? It seems not two months ago CNN did a piece on recruiting and how successful recruiters have been filling their quotas.. Who is responsible for the commercials on tv about the possibility of being drafted and sent to Iraq? Talk about misleading and trying to influence direction of vote through misconceptions. Shades of the 1960’s!!!!

Just because a person was drafted back then did not mean they would be sent to Viet Nam. Of the 15 or so folks I knew that were drafted, only four ended up in Viet Nam. What makes anyone think even if a draft was held, 100% of those folks would be sent to Iraq? Only the folks that wish to scare your vote thinks that or wants you to think that.

Next is something that has been bothering me for several months. Something I have heard from different sources locally, yet I have not said much about until now. What follows is as close a quote as I can do , so forgive me if I misquote my sources.

“Bush is a draft dodger that joined the National Guard to keep from going to Viet Nam and then never served a day of service in the Guard”

I hope I got that right. Oh well, if not, I’m sure everyone understands I left out several vulgarities which made it sound so much more bitter.

Basically that comment is full of bovine fecal matter. How can I say this? Simple really. As stated above, not everyone drafted went to Viet Nam. Just being drafted was no guarantee of being sent to Nam or even Ft. Hood as a File Clerk.

Next, we have the fact that back in those days, the National Guard had a waiting list for folks who wanted to join. And unless a person got out of a unit, no one could be enlisted into it off that list. Now let’s look at the fact that it was possible for some folks to receive preference over others, even though according to regulations, it was supposed to be first come, first enlisted.

Then we have the fact that not everyone who was eligible for the draft were drafted. I know more that were not drafted then were drafted. All were eligible.

One aspect of the above comment is complete bogus is that he never served a day of service. Kind of hard to become a fighter pilot without serving nearly two years in training. Time which he could have also be designation necessary for call-up to active duty and sent to any posting the Air Force felt was necessary.

And as far as the last year of his service which seems to crop up from time to time, let us examine something that has came to light but seems not to be widely known. During the recent debacle about the discovered letters CBS introduced the world to, CNN also ran a story concerning GW’s Guard Retirement Points.

For those not familiar with how the National Guard determines if a member has a good year for retirement, I’ll try to explain while keeping it simple as possible. But keep in mind, an individuals Retirement Points are not kept by his unit, but by the Financial Center responsible for paying each member of the Guard. For each days pay they expend, they award one retirement point. So any political pull a person may have in a unit or state does not influence the Paymaster.

During those years, a member of the National Guard was required a minimum of 70 points each year of service. These points come from a various aspects and activities during a members year of service. One mandatory activity was the 15 day Annual Training Period. Without it, it is not considered a good year towards retirement. Also back in those days, each unit held a formal Pay-Call and members were paid in cash for the Annual Training Period.

So, where is this leading? Well, CNN reported that GW had in his last two years of service in excess of 100 points per year. In fact CNN reported he had 150 points his last year of service. The same year he was supposed to have been AWOL.

Now, is it possible to circumvent the procedures established to award Retirement Points. Certainly, within reason. But not to the extent of 150 points, without a cover-up which would rival that of the Manhattan Project and the development of the Atomic Bomb. Let’s face it, Bush Sr. was not the political power at that time he later was and who knew GW would even consider a political career at that time?

So, there I have this part done. Would continue but have other fish to fry.

Vote. But vote with your head, not your emotions.