Friday, June 01, 2007

Survival 101.2

The title of this diatribe might seem odd but consider that I used Survival 101 and Survival 101.1 on another board, which in turn was transferred over to this board, the title almost makes sense.

Frank Herbert wrote some of the most prophetic words ever heard for the Survivalists. “Fear is the mind killer.” Talk to anyone who has experience in Emergency situations and they will tell you that a person wrapped in the mantle of fear cannot be reasoned with. As with a drowning man will drown his rescuer due too fear.

How many reading this can reach out and pick up a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or even a large bladed weapon from their chair? I know, I’ve heard all the reasons in the world for such a thing. I’m being careful. I’m just being cautious. And many more. Hold that thought.

I’ve rummaged through the board, reading and rereading many of the threads and I doubt anyone could honestly say the folks here do not have a solid grasp of the mechanical aspects of survival. I can only hope to add a twist here and there that someone might have missed. Although I seriously doubt it.

But I was invited here not so much for my mechanical knowledge, but for the offbeat way I look at the world. Oh……sorry ghrit, you actually didn’t invite me here. The invitation goes back many years. I was just too busy with other projects to pay much attention to another one.

Back to the original concept of this thread.

Debate this thought amongst yourselves all you desire, but from my standpoint, many here confuse the mechanical readiness of survival with the mental readiness. Having a two (2) years supply of groceries, along with two (2) dozen rifles, shotguns and pistols, and three (3) bazillion rounds of ammo for each only means you packed for the trip.

A positive mental attitude is not something myself or anyone else can impart with such a medium of communication. Mostly because no two (2) people are the same. Each have their own fears which impede the process.

But I can say this without guilt. If You Cannot Act On a Problem, Then Why Waste Effort And Energy Worrying About It?

I know, I might be talking in circles again, but that’s ok…….I’m not done with this thread yet.

So, let’s take an internal test. Each person can play along as they wish.

Take all those weapons and lock them up. Put them out of reach, even for an evening. If you can set in your easy chair for one evening without being able to reach out and destroy those mythical black dressed invaders sliding down ropes from those evil black helicopters, and feel defenseless, then you do not have a proper survival mental attitude yet.

Lie to me, lie to the board, but NEVER lie to yourself.

FYI……..I locked up my guns and knives many years ago. And I have never felt defenseless.